BEMS Experienced Worker Assessment
Welcome to the dedicated page on the Group Horizon Website for the Experienced Worker Assessment. This will cover the topics required for a candidate to complete and obtain an ECS Gold Card upon completing the assessment. The Assessment is purely online based, using our dedicated portal.
What is the BEMS Control Engineer Experienced Worker Assessment?
The Assessment is for BEMS engineers that require an ECS Gold Card, or those who have an ECS Gold Card which is soon expiring. The Experienced Worker Assessment programme aims to assess and validate the skills and knowledge of workers who have gained significant experience in the BEMS field. The dedicated email address for this assessment is ewa@grouphorizon.co.uk, this is the address where your information and registration forms will arrive from and for candidates to use if they have any questions/queries throughout the duration of the Assessment.
The assessment will require the candidates to prove their eligibility through the following areas:
Experience – Candidates should have a minimum of 5 years of work experience in the field.
Recommendations – Letters of recommendation or references from current or past employers and/or customers will be required.
Sponsor – A qualified person to confirm the candidate status. This maybe the employer or a colleague who has the credentials to speak on behalf of the candidate.
Benefits to completing the Experienced Worker Assessment
Completing the BEMS Control Engineer Experienced Worker Assessment will help progress candidates in many ways. Especially those who did not have any prior qualifications to go with their knowledge and abilities when working in the industry. Some benefits include:
Formal recognition of prior learning and experience
ECS Gold Card & Awarding Organisation certification
Career advancement
The BEMS Control Engineer Experienced Worker Assessment is priced at £1,395 + VAT